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All About Youth Community Center (AAYCC) was created to address a need in the community for preventive programs for our youth. AAYCC’s goal is to make a positive impact on the educational and social lives of at-risk youth by providing individual academic and social support. Our goals are to reduce the dropout rate and improve academic achievement of disadvantaged students.



Terri Cox, AAYCC Founder, has been mentoring youth in education using her own funds over the years in Pennsylvania. She has been rewarded with seeing numerous young men and women graduate from high school and several from college.

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring is a one-to-one relationship over a prolonged period of time between a youth and an older person who provides consistent support, guidance and concrete help as the younger person goes through a difficult or challenging situation or period in life. The goal of mentoring is to help the mentees gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own futures including, and with an increasing emphasis on, academic and occupational skills.

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All About Youth Community Center (AAYCC) was created to address a need in the community for preventive programs for our youth. AAYCC’s goal is to make a positive impact on the educational and social lives of at-risk youth by providing individual academic and social support. Our goals are to reduce the dropout rate and improve academic achievement of disadvantaged students.

Terri Cox, AAYCC Founder, has been mentoring youth in education using her own funds over the years in Pennsylvania. She has been rewarded with seeing numerous young men and women graduate from high school and several from college.

AAYCC will implement the ECONOMIS program which takes the mini-economy to the next level with an online portal similar to online banking where the youth will manage their own bank accounts with Learning Center dollars and utilize a personal ATM card to check their balance and make purchases in our store.